Scale models out of the box (well, more or less)
Marcello's scale models
Welcome to my personal website. I created this site to share my progress in building scale models, a hobby I took up as an extension of my interest in 20th century history. I am learning a lot as I go, and I hope that the images will convey some idea of progress.
When I took up this hobby I decided that I will build the models straight out of the box, as an honest representation of what you get for your money when you buy the kit. I have managed to keep to this promise...mostly. When add-ons or replacements are needed for a model, I always try to scratch-build them rather than buying "upgrades". This happens when I break things, or when the kit has something clearly missing or wrong when compared with the original.
Use the drop-down menu at the top of this page to visit the pages corresponding to each model. If you want to receive an email when a new model is added to this site, leave your email in the form below.
For other things, see "Life outside scale models"